The Wayne County Sheriff’s Office exists to protect the constitutional rights of each member of the community we serve by affirmatively promoting a climate of safety and security among all persons within our jurisdiction. The success of our mission will be realized by constantly working to achieve excellence in providing efficient and effective services to our community in a professional manner and by encouraging the active participation of our community in those efforts.


The Corrections Division operates all adult detention facilities in Wayne County under the jurisdiction of the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.

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The Wayne County Jail has been recognized as one of the best designed and most secure detention facilities in Ohio. In addition, the Wayne County Jail has been awarded numerous Certificates of Excellence from the Ohio Department of Corrections and The National Corrections Association of Health for their continual excellence in compliance with state standards. The Wayne County Jail offers several rehabilitation programs to inmates.  Currently, services are offered for alcohol and drug addiction, mental health counseling, GED, physical education, a work release program, community work programs and religious services.


The Patrol Division is responsible for providing primary police service to the unincorporated villages and townships within Wayne County.

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Each deputy is trained in the areas of first aid, firearms, human relations, patrol techniques and procedures, domestic violence, mental illness, alcohol abuse, narcotics, gambling, vice, juvenile delinquency, traffic control, accident investigations, and all phases of criminal investigations. In addition, sheriff’s deputies are responsible for serving arrest warrants generated by Wayne County Common Pleas Court, Probate Court, Juvenile Court, Municipal Court and Small Claims Court. A staff of deputies are assigned to follow-up investigations of serious crimes reported to the Sheriff, and assist other jurisdictions upon request.


The Sheriff is responsible for serving summonses, subpoenas, civil and criminal decrees originating from the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and all other county courts. In addition, the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office administers all sheriff sales, orders of executions and distribution of funds.


The Medway DEA is one of the oldest drug task forces in the State of Ohio. Medway was founded in 1974 as a Council of Governments and is funded through a county wide tax levy. Medway is the only law enforcement agency in Wayne County that specifically investigates drug trafficking organizations, and other drug related crimes. All Medway Agents are certified through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy, and commissioned through the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office.